Custom Orthotics in Apex NC

We only offer products that are designed to improve your quality of life, help you hold your adjustments longer, and that we use ourselves. Functional Orthotics in Apex NC meet that criteria and our patients have been thrilled with how the orthotics feel and the results.
We can improve your overall health by supporting the foundation on which you walk -- your feet. Your feet support you when you stand, walk, or run. Feet also help protect your spine, bones and soft tissues from stress as you move, especially if you are active.
By stabilizing and balancing your feet, Foot Levelers orthotics enhance your body's performance and efficiency, reduce pain and contribute to your total body wellness. Our orthotics complement your chiropractic treatments when you stand, walk, and live your life in balance. Our patients report they feel more balanced and their chiropractic results last longer between visits.
Why Choose Foot Levelers for Apex NC Orthotics?
Proven track record of delivering high quality orthotics and their customer service is terrific if any modifications need to be made following the initial fitting. Foot Levelers are support for your entire body. Most orthotic companies only support one arch. When only one arch is being supported the problem shifts to another part of your body. Functional orthotics support the three interconnected arches of your foot, the plantar vault. The structural support for the entire body's equilibrium is gained from your feet's plantar vault.
Specifically made for YOU. Unlike generic, over-the-counter orthotics, our Functional orthotics are individually designed for your unique postural problems - not just problems with your feet. We believe that correcting imbalances in your feet can properly align your spine and pelvis.
Our Functional orthotics offer more than just short-term symptom relief. They also promote whole-body wellness for your life and they are made to last. Our patients love their orthotics.
7:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:30pm
7:00am - 2:00pm
7:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:30pm
7:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:30pm
7:00am - 2:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Omega Chiropractic Center - Sports Performance & Nutrition
2521 Schieffelin Rd Suite 130
Apex, NC 27502