Omega Chiropractic Center - Sports Performance & Nutrition Blog

Chiropractic Apex NC Couple Biking

Why Train Breathing?

WHY TRAIN BREATHING? “If breathing is not normalized, no other movement pattern can be.” – Karel Lewit, MD I want you to think about your breath for a minute. Most of you could probably tell me without hesitation that breathing is facilitated by our muscular system. But you probably didn’t know that you take 17,000…

Woman with Knee Pain in Apex NC

What Is High Threshold Movement?

What Is High Threshold Movement? High threshold movement is the fast, mobilization muscle that contracts for high load tasks. Do you work out and include strength training? If you said yes, then you use a high threshold strategy during your workouts. To better understand what high threshold is, you have to start by really focusing…

Happy Woman

What Is Fascia?

What Is Fascia? You have definitely heard of fascia before in your lifetime. Fascia is the little gelatin glycoproteins which are collagen fibers which keeps your muscles, joints, tendons, bones all in place. Fascia s literally all over your body and is crucial in your everyday movement and exercise performance. You and fascia have fought…

Pilates For Core Stability

The Importance of Core Stability

The Importance of Core Stability Did you know that having a strong core doesn’t just mean having a good set of abs or that ‘bikini body’? There is way more to it than you think when thinking about a strong core. Many people do not have a strong core which leads to lower back pain,…

Happy Couple

It Takes Time

It Takes Time With anything in life, things take time. Want a perfect house? You have to apply for it, go through many phases, and finally you’ll get that house. Once you get that house though, things don’t just stop there. The house will definitely need maintenance over time. So, the journey continues for that…

When to Visit a Chiropractor in Apex

When to Visit a Chiropractor in Apex

WHEN TO VISIT A CHIROPRACTOR IN Apex Consulting with a chiropractor is not as unprecedented as before. This is because chiropractic care has been to provide effective relief for a number of different conditions without the need for expensive medical procedures or prescription drugs. Our chiropractor in Apex has the experience to treat your spine,…