Omega Chiropractic Center - Sports Performance & Nutrition Blog

Advice From Your Apex Chiropractor

Advice From Your Apex Chiropractor

ADVICE FROM YOUR Apex CHIROPRACTOR 1. Seek regular chiropractic care and complement it Countless individuals only seek a chiropractor in Apex to find immediate pain relief or to resolve nagging injury. If someone is dealing with substantial discomfort, they typically require multiple visits in order to fully recover from their injury or condition. To achieve…

Why You Should Choose a Chiropractor in Apex

Why You Should Choose a Chiropractor in Apex

Why You Should Choose a Chiropractor in Apex 1. Opt for Prevention With their non-invasive techniques, Apex chiropractors help prevent stress from even beginning or from continuing. Minor injuries to any of our ligaments, muscles and/or tendons can severely hold us back from being completely active in our lives. Take any slight discomfort of your…

Man Wrapping Wrists for Boxing in Apex NC

KB Swing Is The Ultimate Workout

KB Swing Is The Ultimate Workout The hip hinge is one of the fundamental movement patterns that we use. The hip hinge is essentially limiting the movement potential of the entire system to having all flexion and extension driven from the hip joint. Top Apex chiropractor Tri Myers explains that the goal is to have…

Woman Weight Lifting Avoiding Hip Hinge in Apex NC

What Is Hip Hinge And Why Is It Important?

What Is Hip Hinge And Why Is It Important? The hip hinge in Apex is one of the fundamental movement patterns that we use. Think… pick something up off the floor. of a lot of programs, and one of the most effective ways of building lower body strength. It’s a staple of deadlifts, squats, and…

Happy Family Achieving Wellness in Apex NC

Why Wellness In Apex Is Important

Why Wellness In Apex Is Important Chiropractic care in Apex has become an essential part of our health and wellness due to its growing research and effectiveness. Spinal manipulation and treatment is the most sought out form of care in the United States, since your spinal stability is the foundation of our overall health. Chiropractors…

Woman Suffering From Back Pain in Apex NC

Apex Chiropractor Explains How The Pelvis Affects The Rest Of Your Spine

Apex Chiropractor Explains How The Pelvis Affects The Rest Of Your Spine Your pelvis is the foundation of your spine that helps to stabilize your back and surrounding structures. If your pelvis is out of alignment, or if you have bad posture, this could cause many issues for the spine’s alignment and long-term health. Many…